
Poster Distribution

Speakeasy has 10+ years of experience with poster distribution in Atlanta. With this experience comes key insight on which neighborhoods and events to target that will work best for your event for maximum exposure and engagement. Poster runs are done three to four times a week to insure that posters are maintained and this also allows us to provide up to the last minute promotion opportunities. Our services cover both Atlanta and Athens. Printing services also available. Email us for a quote

Handbill Distribution

Speakeasy also offers handbill distribution. Using our street team, we target concerts that will directly appeal to the audience of your event to allow for maximum exposure in engagement. The street team is present at the let out of concerts as well as targeting cars in the parking lots of events. Email us for a quote.

Social Media and Email Marketing

Speakeasy offers online marketing opportunities for shows that align with our brand. Utilizing our following on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, we offer marketing to a highly engaged audience of concert goers in Atlanta. Our email list boasts over 22,000 music fans from Atlanta and maintains high engagement and opening rates. Email us for a quote.